Thursday 17 April 2014

Naemon and Thruk

At the last GridPP meeting in Pitlochry, I gave a talk [Indico link] where I mentioned the new Nagios 4.0 fork Naemon (more on that later). One of the screenshots I showed was of the great web frontend which comes with Naemon, called Thruk. I wanted to highlight a particular feature included in Thruk called Mine Map (screenshot below) which maps out every service and host in a grid showing the probe status in each case - everything here looks nice and green, which is pleasing.

The nice thing about this, of course, is that you can quickly pick out any problem areas quickly (We're using the Exfoliation theme, by the way). However, this gets even better when you use the Display filters at the top of the screen. One of the problems with seeing issues when most of the tests are green is picking out small patches of criticals, particularly if you have to scroll through a large estate to look for issues. 

Using the Display filters, however, you can choose to only show particular Services States - Critical, Warning, Pending or Unknown for example - and only show issues which have not been acknowledged. If I apply those settings now the display changes to something like the following:

Now we can see that we have two unacknowledged issues - a CVMFS problem on node296 and a problem with the services on svr008 (one of them is about to be rebuilt and one of them has just been rebuilt and so I'm keeping an eye on it).

So now I have a view of my Naemon/Nagios tests, with everything laid out in front of me and only the most urgent issues highlighted. You can also add extra filters, including grepping for particular hostnames, services or groups. 

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